Lust & Pornography

Quieting a Noisy Soul is the ideal follow-up study for someone who has squarely faced his own sexual sin and lust with the biblical principles in the 8 session DVD seminar PURITY: Winning the Battle in a Perverse World

Quieting a Noisy Soul KitThe Purity Seminar contents include:

  • Biblical Morality (Parts 1 & 2)
  • Why Sex Didn’t Satisfy Solomon (Parts 1 & 2)
  • The Anatomy of Lust (Parts 1 & 2)
  • Preventative Strategies (Getting out of a Skid)

Seminar content addresses homosexuality, pornography, and private sin habits that can become life-dominating sins. The 63 page syllabus (a PDF on the DVD disk) can be used for personal or group study and features an extensive annotated bibliography of printed, video, and internet resources dealing with sexual sin.

Quieting a Noisy Soul teaches the believer who has been entrenched in sexual sin how to overcome the guilt, anxiety, anger and depression that accompanies his sin. The goal is to restore the believer to the fellowship with God and the usefulness to God made possible only by Christ’s work on the cross.

Start your journey to freedom from the bondage of sexual sin with the Purity seminar and follow-up with the 24-week Quieting a Noisy Soul Program.

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